In late 2017, shortly after Hurricane Harvey slammed Houston, TX, I found myself working my finance job for a major technology company from remote locations due to severe flooding in the company's corporate office. Since I was not traveling to the corporate office on a daily basis, there was no apparent need for me to shave my face everyday, although I had been clean shaven for my entire career up until that point. 

Roughly 6 weeks into my newly established working arrangement, I'd consistently end up going 3-4 days at a time without shaving - after which time I'd be compelled to shave because beard itch had always been a severe challenge for me. One night in mid-October 2017 I was on the back end of one of those 4-day shaveless streaks, and my beard itch was so overwhelmingly irritating that I woke up at 2:00 AM just to shave so I'd be able to sleep the rest of the night.  

Considering the ever-increasing demands at work, I didn't want to make a habit out of receiving 2:00 AM wake-up calls from the Beard Itch Beast. Therefore, I began to seek out solutions for beard itch relief that didn't involve shaving, because I've never really been a fan of shaving to begin with, but more so viewed it as the "necessary evil" within my daily grooming regimen.

After months of research and testing a multitude of products, I found a combination of products that kind of worked, but they didn't necessarily have the consistent quality of results I was looking for. At this point, I immediately recognized two more major problems:

1. The combination of products that (kind of) worked for relieving beard itch were made by 3 different brands, and I had to travel to 2 different locations to buy them.

2. When I began to research the specific ingredients that made these particular products effective vs. the other ineffective products, I happened to learn that some of the other ingredients included were deemed "harmful" by multiple medical research sources and were consistently linked to adverse health effects. 

Therefore, with these problems in mind, the exact solution I was searching for didn't exist, so I decided to create it. Rather than blindly diving head first into this business venture, I began talking to potential customers to validate the need for such a solution. I later found that there plenty of men who could relate to my beard itch woes. Hence, BRĀV was born on a simple promise:


Click here to elevate your beard game with uncompromising performance.